Thursday, February 25, 2016 God Uses Broken Things Some years ago, I was laid up for a month with complications from surgery. The truth that Satan would rather you not ever hear or possess is that scripture is loaded up with stories of God using broken and bruised people. God uses the weak, broken people, not because they are capable. Satan would use our broken and bruised places to shame us. SA Radio. And because people KNEW Gideon was no warrior and WAS in fact a frightened, weak man, there was no doubt it was God at work! I am FORGIVEN: God has removed my Debts. He sent His angel (it is believed by many to be Yeshua since it mentions it is THE Angel of the Lord) and He calls to Gideon and says in Judges 6:12, Then the angel ofAdonaiappeared to him and said to him, Adonai is with you, O mighty man of valor - God Uses Broken Things Series. Encouragement from Gods people works wonders. Rev. 1. "When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who know my way. Abram, who lied about his wife to protect himself, was used to bless all families of the earth. We relate to those people. God uses ordinary people for His glory. -foolish God Uses Broken People and He Handpicked You! Home: Newsroom, ALL: . God doesnt need us to be capable, He just needs us to be available! No, not even close! God is working through us and that leaves us no room to boast. 24/7 Radio Stream. Broken people harm other people. To save items to a SermonFolder, please sign in to your account. God chooses broken vessels and puts them back together and makes them usable. If you drop a clay pot, it will breakjust like you and me. "Look at the very bottom, though," the woman insisted. CJB Taken from the Complete Jewish Bible by David H. Stern. Share the way God has redeemed broken parts of your life with another person this week. 4. ", 3. But God in his wisdom is able to take that which has been marred a fashion it again. It should be a lesson to us of how prone our hearts are to wander, even after deliverance and baptism and great revelations. 484. I am JUSTIFIED: God has changed my State. 9:15-17. 24/7 Radio Stream. God Uses Broken People and, Like Broken Vessels, He Puts Them Together Again, Why God Uses the Weak, Broken, and Flawed People of the World, God Uses the Broken So That No One May Boast, God Chooses Those That the World Would Least Expect Examples From the Bible. Mark 2:4 "And when they could not come nigh unto him for the press, they uncovered the roof where he was: and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay". Yes, God uses broken things. Sermons Embed | Info. And to revive the heart of the contrite. God Uses Broken Things "Now when He saw that He did not prevail against him, He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob's hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him." Genesis 32:25 March 28, 2022 Ponder This Did you know God likes broken things? Did you know God likes broken things? HUMOR: Driving in the Middle -- Rocky Meyerson, 1. Far from it! And it is in our weakness that, through Him, we are made strong! "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18 When we are broken, we are open and more willing to listen to God. In Ezek. Required fields are marked *. This is why God hates sin so much it creates broken people. They cried out to the Lord but God sent them a prophet. I cant think of a better place for God to write His Word than on our hearts! God Uses Brokenness in the Bible. He ran right to Jaels tent. This direct speech comes after John sees "a new heaven and a new earth" (21:1) and "God's dwelling place is now among the people" (21:3). He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed." (Exodus 2, 3), Gideon, a coward threshing wheat in secret in a wine press, God used to rescue His people from the Midianites. Yes, I had this head-knowledge that God uses the broken. The Israelites were under constant torment by the Midianites and the Amalekites. Like clay jars, we are fragile. Share in the comments! In fact, he was quite the opposite. When things feel unresolved or ruined inside of you. For when I am weak, then I am strong." God Uses Broken People But Am I Just Too Broken? But these are not the only things that were broken that God determined to use. God cares about you personally, and will never leave you alone to fight your problems. Theres no question, when you are flawed, that it was GOD who did the work THROUGH you and not you on your own! like, and it feels like being broken. Truthfully, we are all damaged goods.. We are described as: -clay jars God can use our meager offering and cause it to grow into something beautiful. Biblical history has shown that God uses broken people throughout scripture. We all have broken pieces and God uses all our broken pieces and puts them together again in ways only He could and He solidifies them in His refining fire and mold us into what HE knows we CAN be. How have you seen God use even what is broken in your life? God uses those of us who are flawed, who have weaknesses and God chose YOU because its that weakness and brokenness and those mistakes that give you a voice to reach those people who maybe feel like THEY dont measure up. I am so glad you found it encouraging! Kintsugi is a Japanese term that means "join with gold" or "golden seams.". While God fashioned us to be complete and beautiful, somehow the world and its evil influences causes all of us to eventually crack. Denomination: We cant relate to the holy and righteous Phariseesno, but we relate to Peter though. I. 6. Write! What are the broken things in your story? There is no sin you have committed that God cannot forgive you. How Much Does A Pastor Share With His Wife In Regard To Confidential Matters. In other words, if God calls you to something you can trust Him to equip you for it. It is about Him and what He can and will accomplish THROUGH you. Genesis 32:25. Had Peter been a righteous and holy man, he may not have seen his need to lean on God and taken the credit for himself. I am ADOPTED: God has changed my Family. Consider the type of people called by God in the Bible. Having trouble logging into your account? This is why it is a gift and not earned. My name is Diane and I am a wife and mom, aMessianic Jew, a Seminary student working toward a Masters in Jewish Studies and yes, a blogger! God had brought them such a long way: through 10 plagues, delivered them from Egypt, through the Red Sea, across the wilderness, to great revelations of God and STILL they turned back to idolatry! EL CAJON, Calif. (BP)--God doesn&#39;t take the majority of His workers from the ranks of the wise, mighty or noble. No look-good, smell-good, air-brushed Hollywood perfection here. GOD USED A BROKEN COVENANT A. They had no sustenance! SA Radio. So if you feel flawed, thats ok. Youre in great company! Our Monthly Student Membership, It's here!! In the midst of our 3. Perhaps your life has been broken by sin, but unlike Humpty Dumpty and the king's horses and men, God can put it back together again. 3. VCY America. God Uses Broken Things Home | Find Sermons RSS. Garth Wilson | God Uses Broken Things. A policeman looked up to see a woman racing down the center of the road at 100 m.p.h. Sermons Embed: Moses said, "So I turned and went down from the mountain while it was ablaze with fire. Page 1 | Found: 14 sermons: SORT. This is God uses broken things, broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength and broken people to do great things. Dr. McGee reveals how God works this principle out in the lives of men using the story of Ahab and Jezebel as his example. So as we grow from infancy towards adulthood, we who are broken break others around us in our hate, anger, and shame. Some of us might be able to match them and my heart goes out to you over that if that is you. The silence was about to be broken. Let the bones which You have broken rejoice. Your email address will not be published. 4) A Broken Body ( I Cor 11:24) and the world was saved. It is from him that you are in Christ Jesus, who became wisdom from God for usour righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, in order that, as it is written: Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord. (Joshua 2). My Favorite Things. When it is only something we can receive as a blessing, then we sit humbly at the table and put head to the dust at Gods feet. Furthermore, they said, "This one came in as an alien, and already he is acting like a judge; now we will treat you worse than them . The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; And saves those who are crushed in spirit. Jael was the wife of Heber the Kenite. It leaves us (or should leave us) praising God for the wonderful works He has performed THROUGH us. Sisera was the commander of the Canaanite army. Sermons Embed: Moses had a terrible stutter, yet he was used by God to approach the mighty Pharaoh and free the Israelites from Egyptian bondage. Radio Streams. And in your life, God is calling you, not by who or what you are now in your weakness, but in who He sees you CAN be if you just make yourself available to Him. My Favorite Things. The Bible says that God breaks those who are proud and rebellious. How Gods love covers us all!! Paul set forth in Galatians 6:7 the principle, "God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.". For when I am weak, then I am strong.. God uses ordinary people in extraordinary ways for His glory. There is a blessing if you are broken this morning. It's here!! Copyright 2003-2022 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. The cop looked at the license and then concluded, "Ma'am, there's nothing special about this. Have you ever felt YOU were just too broken, weak and flawed for God to use? I cry to you, O Lord: I say, 'You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living.'. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. Thank you sister for the boost forward. God's ways are not our ways. Were most of us to stack our trespasses up against these folks, we would find we havent murdered half as many people as Paul, or been degraded nearly as much as Rahab. The world is full of broken things - broken bones, broken windows, little birds with broken wings, not to mention broken hearts and broken homes. God will equip you for it! You see, in the Bible, God did not choose people who were perfect! "God uses broken things. If you feel called to be a writer you dont have to have years of experience. And the two tablets of the covenant were in my hands. In the face of failure, God responds with restoration. God didnt see the Gideon in front of Him. God is always going to be standing next to you every step of the way. If ever there was a word of encouragement to hold close to your chest it is this: you can never be so broken that God cannot redeem you. Do you feel broken? 17 So I took the two tablets and threw them out of my hands, breaking them to pieces before your eyes Deut. Try, Why Kids Need Exegetical Bible Teaching For The Long Haul, "I Felt My Soul Rejoice: The Christ-Centered Happiness Of David Brainer, 12 Simple Ways To Be A Pastor Who Prays Like A Warrior. He chose a Hebrew with a supposed speech impediment, He chose a prostitute, He chose a persecutor of believers, He chose a tax collectorand on and on. 24/7 Radio Stream. God uses broken thingsand bruised-but-not-yet-fully-broken things. He is calling him a warrior? Your email address will not be published. We should all be thankful that God uses the broken things of this world because we all are in one way or another! In Matthew 28:20 we are reminded of . God has often taken broken things and made them useful again. I would see all these wonderful posts and see how these bloggers SEEMED to have this deep walk with God and here I was feeling like a mess. Jeremiah 31:31-34. Assembly Of God, A. We're breakable spiritually, physically, and emotionally. HISTORY OF THE BROKEN COVENANT 1. Sandown Free . This sermon highlights those things in scripture which were broken before they were used. You are more than just an object of pity to God you are his Beloved and He is more than able to make use of you in His Kingdom. Lets face it, most of Yeshuas disciples could have been residents on the Island of the Misfit Toys! 2022 Love Worth Finding Ministries. I have always enjoyed writing since I was a little girl and I love writing for you! Copyright 2014,2016 by the Tree of Life Bible Society. Get your FREE FREE Bible Verse Coloring Sheets With Study Journal below! A BROKEN BANQUET I have read the stories. He saw the potential of what Gideon COULD be with God in him. We dont get to learn too much about her but that she was a Bedouin, a nomadic people who dwelled in tents. It is the broken alabaster box that gives forth perfume. Many times in Scripture God used broken things: a. If God breaks you and you become broken bread and poured out wine, He will use you. He's also used many "ordinary" people with no Bible college or seminary education to disciple me. God is the one seated on the throne. All you have to do is make yourself available, not capable. Here are just a few: Clearly, the list is long. And the two tablets of the covenant were in my hands. 24/7 Radio Stream. Copyright 1998. As an Amazon Associate, I earn on qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. Preview. VCY America. (Judges 6), Rahab, a prostitute, was the one God used to protect Israels spies in Jericho. Official Lyric Video for "Broken Things" by Matthew WestGet this song now on "Hello My Name is: Greatest Hits"- 16 When I looked, I saw that you had sinned against the LORD your God; you had made for yourselves an idol cast in the shape of a calf. Just as in Jeremiah 18, where Jeremiah observed the Potter fashioning the clay and the vessel was marred in his hands, so our world has been marred. 2. It is Peter, weeping bitterly, who returns to greater power than ever. The amazing things we accomplish as ordinary and broken people point to the One who deserves all the credit- God. Within my inability to grasp the dimensions of God's love, there is one thing that reveals the depth of God's love for man. Podcast Free MP3. He chooses flawed people because their flaws make them see their need for a Savior. She brings him into the tent and covers him up to warm him (and to appear to hide him). March 28, 2022 - God Uses Broken Things. The Broken BARRIER. Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. And when it is God that equips you, you dont feel boastful or haughty in your own abilities. God can use you scripture shows that God can use anybody - God can use me, God can use you! It is the broken alabaster box that gives forth perfume. You dont need to rely on your own talents, skills, or abilities. This was like getting killed with a frying pan today! 3:3. Now when He saw that He did not prevail against him, He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacobs hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him.. You are a broken thing. What is God calling YOU to? References: 2 Kings 9:30-37. Remember it is not about you and what YOU can do. It is Peter, weeping bitterly, who returns to greater power than ever." Vance Havner tags: brokenness , inspirational , renewal , suffering God uses broken people and makes them whole. - God Uses Broken Things Series. God is working through us and that leaves us no room to boast. We are to flee from youthful lusts and pursue what we may sum up as godliness, broken down under four qualities: righteousness, faith, love and peace with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart, that is, peace with other believers. But God has or is going to lead you through recovery so he can hold you up to friends struggling with doubt as an example of how he can bring supernatural healing to a person's life. He chooses flawed people because that is who we can most identify with. I will be their God, and they will be my people. "Oh, yeah?" It was as if He spoke right to me and said: It is BECAUSE of the mistakes that I use you, not in spite of them!. Its because of the mistakes you made that God WILL use you! 27 Bible Verses about Brokenness. But this gives us greater reason to thank God for His remedy the Indwelling Holy Spirit! You are never so broken you cannot be healed. My Favorite Things. Home: Newsroom, ALL: . It involves people and methods that were unimaginable to the religious elite. 609. 1. You are a letter from Christwritten not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts 2 Cor. "See? 2. It's just a temporary license. This ruler, this mighty man, fell to a woman with a common household item for the Boudoins; a tent peg. You were not delivered by your own actions; therefore no one should boast.. It is filled with broken people ugly, imperfect, sinful, willful, hard-to-love people who have been made perfect by Gods love and grace. - God Uses Broken Things Series. Podcast By Topic | Help XML Podcast Feed (RSS) Newest Widget | Demo. Now by the power of the Holy Spirit, we can live the Christian life, and no longer have to sadden the heart of God by our disobedience and rebellion. 1. God uses people like you. Sermon: 2396 - Learning to Lean Pray Over This "Now when He saw that He did not prevail against him, He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob's hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him." He said to her, Please give me a little water to drink, for I am thirsty. So she opened a skin of milk and made him drink some, and covered him. The broken pitchers of Gideon and his men allowed the torches to shine out over the Midianites camp -- Judges 7:19-20. b. What a tragic day. And why is it God uses flawed people like these? So he died. David said, "A broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise" ( Psalm 51:17 ). How Much Does A Pastor Share With His Wife In Regard To Confidential Matters. The first words Jesus spoke in His majestic Sermon on the Mount were to the troubled, the discouraged and downhearted. No one is too broken for God. Scriptures: Genesis 32:25. But God uses broken things. I am so glad you found it encouraging! God Uses Broken Things - Psalm 119: 38 God Uses Broken Things God uses broken things. Read on to learn the reasons why you are never too broken for God to use! and Psalm 51:8 for you to look up. I am RECONCILED: God has become my Friend. I am a broken thing. "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more." (Genesis 12, Moses, a murderer who beat people to death, was Gods man to lead Israel out of Egypt. Brokenness. So many times I felt I disappointed God?. They HAVE to rely on grace. Psalms has much to say about the broken: Psalm 34:18 the Lord is near to the brokenhearted; and saves those who are crushed inspirit. Podcast By Topic | Help XML Podcast Feed (RSS) Newest Widget | Demo. 2. Instead, his psalms came from a broken spiritfrom a knowledge of both failure and victory. To him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My . Tearing is worse than cutting. God used a broken covenant, broken branches, and broken people to accomplish His purposes. 5) A Broken will ( Psa 51:17) and a life of . You had turned aside quickly from the way that the LORD had commanded you. He uses them when they make themselves available! God uses our hardships and failures to build us up and testify to His grace in our lives. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Contrary to what a large amount of people think or feel, God is not one to pick the people who have their life together. Diane, thanks for the encouraging and comforting word, may the Lord continue using you for His glory1. ", 2. 7. The Bible tells us they ravaged the land and left them nothing! Listen to my cry for I am in desperate need." (Psalm 142:3, 5-6). 00:01 44:45. Acts 27:14, Amos 9:11-12, Jeremiah 18, Jeremiah 31:31-34, Judges 7:19-20, Luke 5:6, Luke 9:16, Mark 14:3, Romans 11:17-18, Unlock sermon series kits for every holiday of the year, 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, An easy way to discover the key elements of faith, [Advent Series] Jesus is at the hear of it all, [Holiday Series] Strong churches stand together, [Christmas Eve] The night that changed the world. Verse Concepts. Sin begets sin. The prophet Jeremiah said: Break up your fallow ground, and do not sow among thorns (Jeremiah 4:3). Blessings! Psalm 51:17 the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. God spoke of the Israelites collectively in the metaphor of an Olive tree and individually as the branches of that tree. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. If He chose a skilled orator and leader to lead the children out of Israel, he might have assumed to have done it through his own skill and leadership and not given the glory to God. Verse Concepts. Broken bodily constitutions will be found to have been needful in some cases to the attainment of that land where the body shall be weary and sore no more; broken earthly fortunes, to the winning of the wealth beyond the reach of rust and moth and thief; broken earthly honour, to the being crowned with the diadem which fadeth not away. To save items to a SermonFolder, please sign in to your account. But oh! Those that maybe feel that their mistakes render them unusable or that they are too far gone to have a relationship with Him! Dear Precious Friends, On this Thankful Thursday as we begin a new day thanking God for His gift of a new day, I am reminded during this time of uncertainty and difficulty, that God has each one of us here for such a time as this. March 28, 2022 - God Uses Broken Things. Cited in the book of Mark, chapter two, verse 11, Jesus plainly states "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. The Table of the Lord (1 Cor 10:21), The Wedding Supper of The Lamb (Rev 19 7-10), the Kingdom of Heaven (Mathew 16:19) are not filled with perfect people. No, all throughout the Bible, God uses broken vessels and imperfect people, the flawed, the messed up. [Psalm 51:16-17] Broken things. Psalm 51:17 We've all seen restored furniture. To start saving items to a SermonFolder, please create an account. I am REGENERATED: God has transformed my Heart. 34 No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest," declares the LORD. Let's see it. If we could earn it, we would boast. God Uses Broken Things Home | Find Sermons RSS. God uses broken things. An alabaster box of ointment and broke it and lavished her love upon the Lord Jesus Christ the! And it is in our lives power than ever broken in your own. In Hebrew ) sees sisera coming and tells him not to worry see your calling, brethren, Great speaker or a skilled leader to do Gods work in them for a Savior God. Feel called to be a great speaker or a skilled leader to do is make yourself available, not they! Gotquestions.Org < /a > God uses ordinary people in extraordinary ways for glory. Humble and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise a lesson to us of how works! 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god uses broken things sermon