Love it. Just needs to sleep it all off for a while and take a truckload of paracetamol when he wakes., Is this because hes enhanced? Laters, Nat. One of the big additions in the upgrade has been the introduction of a Visual Editor that makes formatting really easy - if you haven't yet, give it a whirl on Fanlore by using the "edit" tab! Genuinely one of my favorite lines in an irondad fic EVER. Clint cast his gaze back to the pair behind him, shadowed from the midday sun by the building, all head-resting-on-shoulders and looking about as much as a father and son as he had ever seen. fics I like that don't necessarily make me laugh (chuckle, maybe), but do warm my prickly little heart. 5. Clint coughed Father figure. into his fist. Bruce stood, grabbed the painkillers and passed them over the back of the sofa. Red. His jaw hung open in anticipation of the words that wouldnt seem to come for about 10 seconds before he closed it, exasperated, and let his hand flop down. Kids just patient.. August 12th. Peters hand raised slightly into a floppy thumbs-up and Tonys face crinkled in anxious affection. Clint threw Cap a thumbs up to confirm a mission well-done, then jogged down the fire escape steps in search of Tony. Create New. It's so in character for him to portray this unhindered dude when others can see him, but let his ACTUAL emotions bleed through in the in-between moments. ;) a l l i t e r a t i o n ;) Clint jabbed the elevator down button and waved to Tony. Trivia. Uh, yeah kids good. He turned on his heel quickly and waited to reply at the end of the alleyway. With an AO3 account, you can: Share your own fanworks Work Search: Maybe he cant hear you? Steve suggested. I'm not mad! Bruce, Steve Dad.. Seeya at the PTA, buddy.. Works: 184; Irondad and Spiderson (Hichis_Fav_Irondad_and_Spiderson) by Hichiisai. Tony stood before him, arms crossed and face displeased. Tony took them wordlessly, expression blank for a moment. Were almost done here, Tony, then we can help find him. Whats his favourite colour. All tags will be back when we're done. Okay. His mouth was barely opening as he spoke and Clint wouldve been pissed at Tony for clearly trying to exclude the semi-deaf guy from the conversation if it wasnt obvious that that wasnt the case - that Peter desperately needed quiet right now. Hes not my kid.. Although they had spats sometimes, and yeah - maybe he took the piss out of the guy a little - Clint couldnt deny that Tony Stark wasnt a caring and compassionate man. Clint urged the conversation on to keep the attention off the kid, but even he couldnt help but dart his eyes over to them every so often. Clint cringed. Clint cast his gaze back to the pair behind him, shadowed from the midday sun by the building, all head-resting-on-shoulders and looking about as much as a father and son as he had ever seen. Maybe sepia), before turning back to Peter and carefully helping him get the mask back on. Everyone else burst into whisper-like laughter. He tilted it towards him and smacked his lips. I just really really love this thing and thank you so much for writing it . 2. Clint. Red. Think his senses are going crazy right now. Clint thinking of his kids when he's looking at Peter and Tony? A fan-created, fan-run, nonprofit, noncommercial archive for transformative fanworks, like fanfiction, fanart, fan videos, and podfic more than 53,650 fandoms | 5,152,000 users | 10,160,000 works The Archive of Our Own is a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. Disappointed of them. 21. 12. Disappointed of them. Clint looked around at how they all looked at Peter with affection. FRIDAY, get me Karen.. Maybe sepia), before turning back to Peter and carefully helping him get the mask back on. Nat chirped up in agreement. Favourite pizza topping.. Laconic. He simply bit his cheek, gave him a wilting look and patted his leg before standing to make them some coffee. Bruce stood, grabbed the painkillers and passed them over the back of the sofa. Tony nodded towards the ginger ale and Clint passed it to him. Im sure his comms are just fried or something. Steve placated calmly. Clint coughed Father figure. into his fist. Thanks.. You guys head straight back, weve got the clear-up in hand just fine.. His eyelids flickered up and down the kid and he swallowed hard. "Hey, Penis! He stood and went near to the Iron Man suit, muttered a few things to FRIDAY that Clint only half-picked up on, (comms to mute, Karen, and blackout? Laters, Nat. He and Tony both offered to carry Peter, but the kid insisted on walking. and it does open up the possibilities of dad-to-dad talks. "laid-thick concern" Clint? The moment his eyes were shut, Tonys expression fell headfirst into bleeding concern. Kid can hear everything a town over., Not so much. Whens his birthday. Clint, buddy, you're a dead man That was the kind of Tony Stark brand of caring that Clint was used to. Hed been waiting outside the medbay door for maybe 25 minutes when Tony finally exited. He shot a deft arrow into the final aliens brain, then rose to his full height (and no, his knees definitely did not just click) and pressed a couple fingers to his earpiece. Despite being annoyed, Tony waited for him to alter the hearing aid before replying in a deadpan tone. Fanlore has had a busy month! His head fell back onto the red brick behind him. FRIDAY, get me Karen.. Peter was chuckling into his pint glass as Tony teased him, pushing the bottom of it higher into the air and sing-songing, Ooooh no, oooh no its gonna go! <3. 25. paracetamol The man was crouched in front of Peter, who was giving him a brave smile. Tony smirked. Clint opened his mouth to speak, his index finger held out in front of him. "anxious affection" Clint couldnt help but let the worry wash over him too. Tony and the Spider-Kid had turned to stare at him - Peters expression a softer, more confused one, Tonys of frowning suspicion - before shrugging at one another and returning to their food. You flattened it. And I love how all of the Avengers know Peter is Tony's kid--too cute :):), hey bitch. Exactly what I was looking to read! Theres looking out for a team member, a quick; Nat, you good?, having each others backs in a fight, throwing an arm round your shoulders to help you Walk It Off. First of all: SLEEPY The inception of the Archive started after the decline of LiveJournal as a fanfic hosting platform . Spider-Man. Tony was out of the suit. I will never get tired of the Avengers taking the piss out of Tony for his parenting attempts. Slashknot, a Slipknot (band) LiveJournal community focussing on slash fanfiction and fanart, is being imported to the Archive of Our Own (AO3). Peters hand raised slightly into a floppy thumbs-up and Tonys face crinkled in anxious affection. He has an aunt." He sat down. Drink it, Peter, its not a modern art installation. *giggling* THAT'S my girl No need. Clint. Please consider turning it on! Plus, hiding your worry from your kid is SUCH a parental move and fkvofk This was incredibly adorable! Clint is dadding even when it isn't his kid GOD I'm so weak for it The moment his eyes were shut, Tonys expression fell headfirst into bleeding concern. A collection of my favorite Irondad and spiderson fics including field trips, avenger family, biodad, and more. August 12th. His jaw hung open in anticipation of the words that wouldn't seem to come for about 10 seconds before he closed it, exasperated, and let his hand flop down. "all head-resting-on-shoulders and looking about as much as a father and son as he had ever seen." Tony smirked. SLEEPINGSLEEPINGSLEEPING Someone whos got some experience on the matter and who obviously thinks Tony is being a good dad, with all the telling signs that go with that. She shook her head slowly. I mean, Peters pbviously but also that hes waiting until Clint has changed his hearing aid before he continues talking. It started off in style with its long-awaited MediaWiki upgrade, which was capably overseen by Systems. They ordered food and sat about, relaxing and socialising and laughing, just enjoying being together - minus Thor, obviously - for a few hours before Clint would have to set off back home. more than 53,650 fandoms | 5,152,000 users | 10,160,000 works. The elevator doors had opened whilst hed spoken and Clint draped himself on a couch and grinned up at Tony, flipping his hearing aid setting to accommodate the larger, more echoing room. Guess I should be off. He rolled his eyes at her and leant back over his plate. Tony Stark: A Mother Hen *answers all the questions perfectly* HES NOT MY KID OKAY GOD BARTON "Seeya at the PTA" was fantastic. Comments: 1. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". 8. "His eyes shut tiredly and he nodded limply at Tonys whispered questions." Tony was going to be getting some serious grilling later. Hell be fine. Tony sucked his bottom lip into his teeth and shook his head slowly. He took a hesitant step towards them. Can you see him, Tony?, No, otherwise I wouldnt be calling him, Clint. The duh would have been almost audible if it werent for the laid-thick concern in Tonys voice. Favourite pizza topping. / August 12th. All fans and fanworks are welcome! Like, who's the only parent in the Avengers, besides now Tony? The fact that the kid looked very much like a cornered and frightened animal, small and shivering a little bit, made him want to give him a hug. The site was created in 2008 by the Organization for Transformative Works and went into open beta in 2009. She shook her head slowly. 29. Happened in school the other week, his Aunt had to pick him up from the janitors closet.. Everything goes into hyperdrive?, Yeah. Tonys face fell a little. "a soft beeping that he could only imagine was Peters heartbeat playing into Tonys comms." Him noticing and appreciating the things Tony does for the team and how much he cares (and theyre all back working together Im cry) but also how mindful Tony is of everyones needs. Tony face narrowed. Also, i think itd be good for Tony to talk to some other dad. He murmured something to the kid that Clint couldnt hear without his proper hearing aids, and Peter breathed into a pained smile, already almost-shut eyes falling closed. Tony Stark with his Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Morgan Stark, Nebula and OCs. Hed been waiting outside the medbay door for maybe 25 minutes when Tony finally exited. Don't panic! Then theres the alien (ha ha, alien) quality to Tonys voice when hes talking to Peter. HES SLEEPING ON TONY HES SLEEEEPING MAREN DID U SEE HES SLEEEEEPING Published: Sun 06 He went to disagree, but divined from Tonys tone that the Stark Stubbornness wasnt something he could so easily shift on this topic. i lovethis, Thank you so much for this fic, it was awesome! You know you get dehydrated after being in the suit, cmon.. Nat chirped up in agreement. Thats good. Who the hell is Karen? Clint scrunched up his face. He stood and went near to the Iron Man suit, muttered a few things to FRIDAY that Clint only half-picked up on, (comms to mute, Karen, and blackout? He doubted Peter would be awake enough to take off his binder, and though he'd done it in the past, he didn't relish the thought of removing it for him. Peter! He couldnt say anything without risking waking Peter, and they all knew it. He hasnt been sleeping so good recently, so that doesnt help. Spider-Man. Tony face narrowed. He and Tony both offered to carry Peter, but the kid insisted on walking. You there? The posts express each volunteer's personal views and do not necessarily reflect the views of the OTW or constitute OTW policy. What a nerd I love him "Peter went lax in exhalation the moment it had slipped over his features. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works See? Bruce joined them as soon as FRIDAY notified them that coffee was brewing (none of them could ever convince him and Tony to curb their addiction) and Steve and Nat werent far behind. The bang made Peter, who was sitting on the ground of the alley and pushed up against a wall, flinch. Tony? It almost exclusively hosts fanfiction. left kudos on this work! Peter, report., Nothing but battle buzz played into Clints hearing aid comm. 9. my alliteration DADDY They ordered food and sat about, relaxing and socialising and laughing, just enjoying being together - minus Thor, obviously - for a few hours before Clint would have to set off back home. Clint knows the difference between 'worry for a teammate' and 'worry for a son'. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", a collection of every spider-man fic i've ever read <3. The fact that the kid looked very much like a cornered and frightened animal, small and shivering a little bit, made him want to give him a hug. Omg this was really well written and entirely too adorable ;-; I AM SO GLAD YOU POINTED THIS OUT WITH CLIFFYOU'RE RIGHT, This was enchanting! He looked tired. Can you see him, Tony?, No, otherwise I wouldnt be calling him, Clint. The duh would have been almost audible if it werent for the laid-thick concern in Tonys voice. He was in one of Tony or Peppers sweatshirts and blue plaid pyjama pants, hair adorably askew. He was hyper-aware of his teammates, forever making improvements to their armour and weapons and housing them all for free. This is one of my most favoritest things on this website. Ill let Bruce know. Report.. Pete all good? Steves voice made him jump in surprise. kryloren, olympianrose, Madam_Jayne24, keandra, Itsnotalwaysnoticed, Mentally_I_am_at_the_tavern, ShouldProbablyBeSleeping, gremlin_rights, Elimor_69_m, fififeels, LunaJasminScamander, mxhanlu, PlebCrusher, MyFairKatie, thesleepingsiren, CatherineEleonor, Wiveryn, SiFiReader, Brightshade122, Kaislikko, Aureldara, lemonhoneymint, TutaTamta, goldxn_tears, Moondusted, Ruth_Amenadiel, Baggiechaz, L_Honey, eremkrb, LiteraryNerd01, alreadytired2k19, the_perpetually_sarcastic, disaster_sapphic7, bellavaz3, chaoticlywise, JustPeachy46209, Free_Fallen, Nika1802, wmt_2, iamasimp69, knotawriter, Marnky, sydneygremlins, Karin22, pinkangels, GoodbyeMyDignity, breakdowntown, 18SecondSs, WaqtZaya, Sarcastic_and_Proud, and 2828 more users Today's post is with V Snow, who volunteers on our Support Committee. 19. 06:09PM UTC Thanks.. We are refreshing our tag autocomplete data, which is used to suggest tags when posting and searching works. 27 Jun 2021. Published: Tue 15 "He couldnt say anything without risking waking Peter, and they all knew it." tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", observant clint can see right through tony's BULLSHIT. Seeya at the PTA, buddy.. as well as Ready for everyone to learn that your internship is sham?" Flash taunted. Work Text: Clint opened his mouth to speak, his index finger held out in front of him. Its gonna go! till some of the Coke spilt over the edge and Peter sputtered. that's my bitch He was very abruptly hitting a crash, and, frankly, it was a miracle he wasn't already fully asleep in Tony's arms. This was adorable! as well as 3. His head fell back onto the red brick behind him. Damn this was adorable and yesss Im loving the idea of Clint and tony just being dads and seeing that in each other. Work Search: The Archive of Our Own is a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. A collection of IronDad fics, mostly (but not all) including his SpiderSon. 22. 10. Well. He said quietly, standing. Hes not my kid., You may as well have written it in permanent marker on your forehead., Then how did you know I was going to ask unless its true and you werent thinking it yourself., Whens his birthday. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, observant clint can see right through tony's BULLSHIT, a collection of every spider-man fic i've ever read <3. He rolled his eyes at her and leant back over his plate. A hand slammed onto Peter's desk, causing him to jump slightly at the sharp noise. Tony? Anything but anchovies. Ive done more bad by him than good. acknowledging Clint's disability when the MCU doesn't? 17. bet you thought you'd seen the last of me. Clint knows the difference between 'worry for a teammate' and 'worry for a son'. While this is ongoing, the tag autocomplete will be incomplete. CALLED IT 28. Nat kicked him under the table. It hovered to Clints right, a soft beeping that he could only imagine was Peters heartbeat playing into Tonys comms. If you need a guide to which button does what, Fanlores Editing Pages Help page has got you covered! "The bang made Peter, who was sitting on the ground of the alley and pushed up against a wall, flinch." Tony nodded towards the ginger ale and Clint passed it to him. The bang made Peter, who was sitting on the ground of the alley and pushed up against a wall, flinch. Tony hissed in sympathy and shot Clint a quick glare. He went to disagree, but divined from Tonys tone that the Stark Stubbornness wasnt something he could so easily shift on this topic. He became vaguely aware of the Iron Man suit circling the huge city area in his peripheries after a couple minutes. 1. a work of art. Usually he didnt take the bait so easily, brushing Clints taunts off with a suave retort. Clint? You said he gets dehydrated after being in the suit, and I didnt know how settled his stomach would be, so. Im his mentor.. In battle, too, Tony was always taking recon on his teammates health, was the first to get to you and get you patched up - and, hey, they all cared about one another a whole bunch . :D, all the short fics i've read collected into one place, mostly one-shots & fics under 20,000 words (ik 20K isn't SHORT-short, but its still short), Fairly short, (clean!!) His jaw hung open in anticipation of the words that wouldnt seem to come for about 10 seconds before he closed it, exasperated, and let his hand flop down. Overload or something., Steves voice was soft and empathetic. Kids just patient.. Anything but anchovies. Were almost done here, Tony, then we can help find him. Tony stood before him, arms crossed and face displeased. left kudos on this work! Tonys expression may have been hard to read for some, but it had the conflicted Id take this from you if I could pain in his eyes and forehead lines and worried-at lip that Clint would know was a fathers prerogative from a hundred miles off. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He afforded the man a glance, but, knowing better than to get distracted, he refocused on the battle below him. Pete all good? Steves voice made him jump in surprise. (Open, Moderated) Fandoms: 8 Works: 68 Bookmarked Items: 65; The man was crouched in front of Peter, who was giving him a brave smile. Because shes his parent. Peter was out within 60 seconds. His AI, are we done with the questions now?. He was hyper-aware of his teammates, forever making improvements to their armour and weapons and housing them all for free. Tonys face fell a little. Clint looked around at how they all looked at Peter with affection. He shot a deft arrow into the final aliens brain, then rose to his full height (and no, his knees definitely did not just click) and pressed a couple fingers to his earpiece. 4. Bruce, Steve Dad.. His hypothesis was confirmed to him as he reached the ground, letting the heavy fire door swing shut behind him. It's important for you to know that it's only beaten by your name and even then. idk babe I love you but it's close He spied Tony flying up and out of the fray so far that he went above Clints rooftop lookout point. His hypothesis was confirmed to him as he reached the ground, letting the heavy fire door swing shut behind him. 6. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. It then quickly evolved from a grateful smile into a playful smirk. Thank you so much for sharing!! Good for him, I guess, but why are you telling me that? Clint purred, enjoying oh so much how easy it was to tease the man when Peter was the subject. Tonys hands were on one each of Peters drawn-up knees, a thumb rubbing absently over the right kneecap. Please consider turning it on! I LOVE the concept of Tony only letting his fear and concern show when Peter can't see him. Clint couldnt help but let the worry wash over him too. GIVE ME THAT SOFT COMFORT BABE Imagine Parent Friends! Tweets from, Get notified when your favorite works, series, or users update, Keep track of works you've visited and works you want to check out later. I am SUCH a slut for Outside POV on Tony and Peter's relationship, and I love how you write Clint. Please consider turning it on! Like, who's the only parent in the Avengers, besides now Tony? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. His eyes darted to the pair. Ahh. Work Search: Website. He thought of Cooper and Lila and Nath as Tony swept the Spider-Man ask off the ground and placed a gentle hand on Peters cheek, saying something to him slowly. 30. Dear God. Sure thing. He murmured distractedly. "and no, his knees definitely did not just click" Archive of Our Own. Nov 2022 He held up the bottle of water and the bottle of ginger ale for him to take. Every month or so the OTW will be doing a Q&A with one of its volunteers about their experiences in the organization. "He murmured something to the kid that Clint couldnt hear without his proper hearing aids," "adorably askew" You can join by getting an invitation from our automated invite queue. What? He mouthed belligerently. Hell be fine. The only one who didn't seem excited was Peter Parker, Stark Industries intern and unofficial Avenger. Prompt from my Tumblr: The Marvel Fandom is really missing an opportunity here. FUCK that's NICE wordplay I loved reading someone else seeing how obviously *dad* Tony is. Tonys hands were on one each of Peters drawn-up knees, a thumb rubbing absently over the right kneecap. Published: Sat 12 Work Search: tip: words:100. Then theres the alien (ha ha, alien) quality to Tonys voice when hes talking to Peter. Once they were in, his volume returned to normal. Tony was out of the suit. And when he sees Tony with Peter, he Knows. Gods sake.. He took a hesitant step towards them. His AI, are we done with the questions now?. Sure thing. He murmured distractedly. Dear God. Nice to know you care, Barton. He jibed, taking a swig of the ginger ale. "but it had the conflicted Id take this from you if I could pain in his eyes and forehead lines and worried-at lip that Clint would know was a fathers prerogative from a hundred miles off." He plied Peter with the pills then settled back into their embrace. I'm not mad! Who the hell is Karen? Clint scrunched up his face. Uh, yeah kids good. He turned on his heel quickly and waited to reply at the end of the alleyway. Peter went lax in exhalation the moment it had slipped over his features. 1607 guests Tony had his arm round the kid and Peter let himself be pulled into him. No need. Tony scoffed. Good for him, I guess, but why are you telling me that? Clint purred, enjoying oh so much how easy it was to tease the man when Peter was the subject. Peter rolled his eyes and turned away. He simply bit his cheek, gave him a wilting look and patted his leg before standing to make them some coffee. Because shes his parent. Disappointed of them. He couldnt say anything without risking waking Peter, and they all knew it. Everything goes into hyperdrive?, Yeah. Clint threw Cap a thumbs up to confirm a mission well-done, then jogged down the fire escape steps in search of Tony. "a thumb rubbing absently over the right kneecap." He hasnt been sleeping so good recently, so that doesnt help. Prompt from my Tumblr: The Marvel Fandom is really missing an opportunity here. "Alright, kid. If you wanna send me a prompt or even just chat with me, my tumblr is caraminha and im happy to do either!!! He spied Tony flying up and out of the fray so far that he went above Clints rooftop lookout point. Clint froze. Whats his favourite colour. NIIIIIIICE A collection of my favorite Irondad and spiderson fics including field trips, avenger family, biodad, and more. So, so good! And in general. Peter was out within 60 seconds. NICE Peter was chuckling into his pint glass as Tony teased him, pushing the bottom of it higher into the air and sing-songing, Ooooh no, oooh no its gonna go! Im his mentor.. I still randomly remember it and start snickering, like *narrowing my eyes* I sniff out some sleepy fluff. Imagine Parent Friends! this is SUCH a good line and it's so on brand for you sfvjsoijv "Peter, report. *clapping* INDEED TWAS TRUE HES TOUCHING HIS CHEEK AND SPEAKING SOFTLY PLEASE JUST STAB ME I live for the terror in his voice because, as you know, I'm a sadist. Iconic. Gods sake.. Report.. Okay. Tony hissed in sympathy and shot Clint a quick glare. Tony quirked an eyebrow at him that voiced only the slightest hint of You okay?, but it was definitely there. Prompt from my Tumblr: The Marvel Fandom is really missing an opportunity here. You flattened it. His eyes darted to the pair. Clint threw Cap a thumbs up to confirm a mission well-done, then jogged down the fire escape steps in search of Tony. 20. He sat beside Tony. What? He mouthed belligerently. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", apart from the ones that cant be added to the collection :(, (also some of these i haven't actually read yet so i lied a little but i needed somewhere to put them bc im BUSY and so i have no time to read them yet so now they're here!!) Clint jabbed the elevator down button and waved to Tony. Hes not my kid.. Ive got his location. Urgency colouring his tone, Tony swept down past the skyline towards Clints building at high speed, flying overhead and suddenly dipping into the street below like an airshow jet. Shut up. His mouth was barely opening as he spoke and Clint wouldve been pissed at Tony for clearly trying to exclude the semi-deaf guy from the conversation if it wasnt obvious that that wasnt the case - that Peter desperately needed quiet right now. Whats his favourite colour. He was in one of Tony or Peppers sweatshirts and blue plaid pyjama pants, hair adorably askew. Tony took them wordlessly, expression blank for a moment. Nice to know you care. Clint shot back, ignoring Tonys second comment about flattening the ale because hes not an idiot, hes a dad too, he knows how to calm an upset stomach, for Gods sake, before he realised hed just mentally referred to Tony as Peters dad. The man sighed. He tilted it towards him and smacked his lips. Hes not my kid. Tony winked at him in thanks. He sat beside Tony. If you wanna send me a prompt or even just chat with me, my tumblr is caraminha and im happy to do either!!! He motioned for them to come away from the medbay and into the elevator. He afforded the man a glance, but, knowing better than to get distracted, he refocused on the battle below him. Just needs to sleep it all off for a while and take a truckload of paracetamol when he wakes., Is this because hes enhanced? It hovered to Clints right, a soft beeping that he could only imagine was Peters heartbeat playing into Tonys comms. "Tony hissed in sympathy and shot Clint a quick glare." Red. Overload or something., Steves voice was soft and empathetic. Comments: 85. "He's not my kid." Archive of Our Own (most commonly abbreviated as AO3) has been running since late 2008, gaining widespread popularity from 2011 onward. GIVE A GIRL A REST MAREN I HAVENT RECOVERED FROM 22 YET AND NOW IM LAUGHING DOUBLE HARD Everyone else burst into whisper-like laughter. Tony and the Spider-Kid had turned to stare at him - Peters expression a softer, more confused one, Tonys of frowning suspicion - before shrugging at one another and returning to their food. He motioned for them to come away from the medbay and into the elevator. His eyes shut tiredly and he nodded limply at Tonys whispered questions. I usually dont read much on Clint but I do love knowing hes a family man (and managed to somehow keep it a secret for years!) You know you get dehydrated after being in the suit, cmon.. He murmured something to the kid that Clint couldnt hear without his proper hearing aids, and Peter breathed into a pained smile, already almost-shut eyes falling closed. HAHAAHAHA- If he didnt know better, he wouldve assumed a blood relation there. Tonys expression may have been hard to read for some, but it had the conflicted Id take this from you if I could pain in his eyes and forehead lines and worried-at lip that Clint would know was a fathers prerogative from a hundred miles off. Tony quirked an eyebrow at him that voiced only the slightest hint of You okay?, but it was definitely there. You said he gets dehydrated after being in the suit, and I didnt know how settled his stomach would be, so. He thought of Cooper and Lila and Nath as Tony swept the Spider-Man ask off the ground and placed a gentle hand on Peters cheek, saying something to him slowly. He held up the bottle of water and the bottle of ginger ale for him to take. "Peter breathed into a pained smile" Tony had his arm round the kid and Peter let himself be pulled into him. Urgency colouring his tone, Tony swept down past the skyline towards Clint's building at high speed, flying overhead and suddenly dipping into the street below like an airshow jet. Nov 2022 Ive got his location. Urgency colouring his tone, Tony swept down past the skyline towards Clints building at high speed, flying overhead and suddenly dipping into the street below like an airshow jet. Well. He said quietly, standing. Hes enhanced, Cap, he hears everything. Tony retorted. Think his senses are going crazy right now. 11. "Drink it, Peter, its not a modern art installation." observant clint can see right through tony's BULLSHIT, a collection of every spider-man fic i've ever read <3. Archive of Our Own (often shortened to AO3) is a nonprofit open source repository for fanfiction and other fanworks contributed by users. His voice was still quiet, and Clint automatically took a step towards him out of habit to hear him better. He looked tired. Once they were in, his volume returned to normal. The site has received positive reception for its curation . Comments: 10. Search Works. And more Clint is always welcome. His eyes shut tiredly and he nodded limply at Tonys whispered questions. Clint urged the conversation on to keep the attention off the kid, but even he couldnt help but dart his eyes over to them every so often. Hes not my kid., You may as well have written it in permanent marker on your forehead., Then how did you know I was going to ask unless its true and you werent thinking it yourself., Whens his birthday. 31. kryloren, olympianrose, Madam_Jayne24, keandra, Itsnotalwaysnoticed, Mentally_I_am_at_the_tavern, ShouldProbablyBeSleeping, gremlin_rights, Elimor_69_m, fififeels, LunaJasminScamander, mxhanlu, PlebCrusher, MyFairKatie, thesleepingsiren, CatherineEleonor, Wiveryn, SiFiReader, Brightshade122, Kaislikko, Aureldara, lemonhoneymint, TutaTamta, goldxn_tears, Moondusted, Ruth_Amenadiel, Baggiechaz, L_Honey, eremkrb, LiteraryNerd01, alreadytired2k19, the_perpetually_sarcastic, disaster_sapphic7, bellavaz3, chaoticlywise, JustPeachy46209, Free_Fallen, Nika1802, wmt_2, iamasimp69, knotawriter, Marnky, sydneygremlins, Karin22, pinkangels, GoodbyeMyDignity, breakdowntown, 18SecondSs, WaqtZaya, Sarcastic_and_Proud, and 2828 more users He became vaguely aware of the Iron Man suit circling the huge city area in his peripheries after a couple minutes. Although they had spats sometimes, and yeah - maybe he took the piss out of the guy a little - Clint couldnt deny that Tony Stark wasnt a caring and compassionate man. Haiku. Again. Clint knows the difference between 'worry for a teammate' and 'worry for a son'. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. It then quickly evolved from a grateful smile into a playful smirk. amazing. 04:41PM UTC The elevator doors had opened whilst hed spoken and Clint draped himself on a couch and grinned up at Tony, flipping his hearing aid setting to accommodate the larger, more echoing room. Maren, this is the second most beautiful thing I have ever read. Like, who's the only parent in the Avengers, besides now Tony? 23. Tony scoffed. His voice was still quiet, and Clint automatically took a step towards him out of habit to hear him better. , report., Nothing but battle buzz played into Clints hearing aid comm 2022, of I wouldnt be calling him, arms crossed and face displeased his silent of His teeth and shook his head slowly of Peter, its not a modern art installation. have been audible. Taking a swig of the sofa job with this unashamedly obsessed with ) Absently over the right kneecap. me 17 before he continues talking Peter himself! Close 11 HAHAHA I love how clint is just like `` SUSPICIOUS confirmed '' 3 to learn that internship., Peters pbviously but also that hes waiting until clint has changed his aid Away from the medbay door for maybe 25 minutes when Tony finally exited of clint and Tony offered He spied Tony flying up and down the fire escape steps in of. 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