var startbarlinks = $(top_level_nav).find('ul').find('a'); "accentColor" : "#B5BBBF", // DEFAULT - #B5BBBF margin-left: calc(25.9% + 45px); // RESPONSIVE MAIN MENU } left: 0px; }else if(socialTab.indexOf('instagram') >= 0){ } David's College Partnership Program, Intervention/Section 504/Dyslexia Services, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). "text": "Enroll Now", bottom: 0px; } "addMethod": "append", // PREPEND OR APPEND THE TRANSLATE ELEMENT { } top: -3px; width: 100%; } Pflugerville ISD is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities. color: rgba(255,255,255,0.4); //RENAME FIRST BREADCRUMB margin-top: 0px; padding: 0px 20px Our Software Student Management Suite (SIS) School Business Suite (ERP) Municipality Management Suite Skyward Services Partner Program: color: #23343F; "image": "Student Program/12.png", $(function(){ -webkit-transform: scaleX(0); .cs-global-icon .text { //LIMIT EVENTS ON HOMEPAGE } div.homepage-thumb-region.region-5 { /* GroupEnd */ -moz-transition: all .2s linear 0s; display: inline-block; "url": "", width: 32.65%; } /*margin: 0px 7px;*/ #hp-tabs-one, #hp-tabs-two { { if("512-594-0000" != "") { /* GroupBegin Subpage No Nav */ } .ios.w-1024 #gb-social-icons { $(this).parent().next("li").find("> a").focus(); h1 { } #hp-content div.ui-widget-header h1 { //Case #05187742 - change footer email 'English to Vietnamese' + position: relative; '_' : '+'; "advancedOptions": { }); ["Chichewa", "Chichewa", "ny"], 'div#hp-tabs-three {' + display: -ms-flexbox; var titleLink = $(".ui-article-title a",this).attr("href"); ["Thai", "", "th"], padding: 5px 0px 0px 13px; $(".ui-widget-header").click(function(){ /* GroupBegin Photo Area */ } else if (e.keyCode == 39) { //key right margin: 0px; }else if(socialTab.indexOf('twitter') >= 0){ #gb-mystart-inner { font-weight: normal; "url": "" -moz-border-radius:100%; /* GroupEnd */ display: block; If you wish to file a grievance under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, information about the grievance process is availablehere. } Click here for Board Member Email information. /*top: 16px;*/ font-size: 15px; window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; }); width: 100%; top: 0px; 1 Drive accountability and engagement x 2 Deliver a better experience to your families x 3 "With Skyward, parents in our district have become more involved with their child's school work. width: 50%; right: 7px;*/ .sp-breadcrumbs { $(this).parent().prev().children().children().next().append(moveArticle); $("a#feedback").attr("href", feedbackURL); } $(top_level_nav).click(function (e) { padding: 11px 30px; } /*'
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PfISD Secondary Summer Reading Lists. head.ready("modEvents", function() { $(document).ready(function() {
$("a#terms").attr("href", termsURL).text(termsText); Compensatory services are used to help students make up forprogress or skills they lost when their special education services were not provided. position: absolute; } font-size: 12px; display: none; } .text('');
top: 51px; } They find it easy to navigate Family Access, view missing assignments, and connect with teachers about things occurring in the classroom." break; }
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font-weight: normal; width: 40px; Skyward Family Access allows parents, guardians and students to view and manage various information including a students' attendance records, calendars, graduation plans/requirements, schedules, gradebooks, online assignments, grading and report cards. body:before { background: #FFF; } -webkit-transition: all .2s linear 0s; The Franklin Special School District is proud to have the highest quality teaching staff in the state. margin: 0px; var logoCheck = "true"; } background: #000; } } if (typeof keyCodeMap != "undefined" && $(this).text().substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() == keyCodeMap[e.keyCode]) {
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padding: 0; // FOCUS LAST ITEM Homeschooled students should be prepared to show photo identification and comply with all district and campus policies, including COVID-19 protocols, while on campus to participate in the PSAT/NMSQT administration. margin: 15px 0px 0px 15px; dynStyleSheet.styleSheet.cssText = dynStyles; #gb-footer .footer-logo a { '}' + .hide480 { background: #FFF; } $("div#hp-tabs-three .tab-button:gt(2)").remove(); -webkit-text-size-adjust: none; div.region {
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Accessibility Notice | Acceptable Use | Webmaster | Site Map
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- ' + [class^="icon-font"], [class*=" icon-font"] { What are the benefits of using Pflugerville ISD? padding-bottom: 9px; }); Skyward is a cloud-based information management system used by Pflugerville ISD. left: 0px; $(".tab-button:eq(0)").addClass("first"); "target": "_blank" width: 0; //ADD LOGO text-align: center; } $("#sw-content-layout-wrapper").addClass("signin"); -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; .sw-channel-more-li { line-height: 1.5; } else { display: none; '#gb-header-inner:before {' + /* CHANGE TO DISTRICT ALIAS */ li:hover > a { transition: all .2s linear 0s; .icon-font-pinterest:before { $(this).click(); Accessibility Notice | Acceptable Use | Site Map position: relative; { top: 0px; ["Ukrainian", "", "uk"], if ($.trim(subList.html()) !== "") { "extraBackIconClass" : "icon-font-arrow", } $(".sw-dropdown", this).attr("aria-hidden", "true"); } else if (e.keyCode == 40) { } } #gb-schoollist .sw-mystart-dropdown .sw-dropdown .sw-dropdown-list li:hover { } #gb-social-icons { "url": "", font-size: 20px; .not($(" .ui-widget-detail img")) vertical-align: middle; width: 25.9%; Pflugerville ISD 2020-21 UIL Eligibility Calendar, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). /* GroupBegin Subpage */ #gb-mystart-inner .gb-mystart.left { .tab-right { font-family: 'pflugerville'; position: relative; // ********** BODY ********** // Teachers impacted. ["Punjabi", " ", "pa"], } background: url() no-repeat 0px 0px; Click on My Account (located top right) 3. channelIndex++; display: block; }); } */ // show school dropdown Individuals wishing to address the Board of Trustees must leave a voice message of no more than three minutes in length at 512-594-9900 on April 16, 2020 between 4:30-5:30 p.m. top: 0px; appView(); visibility: visible; #gb-mystart-inner .sw-mystart-button:hover { #hp-emergency-text-block p, #hp-tabs-three .ui-widget-header.facebook h1 { ' ' + #gb-mystart-inner .sw-mystart-dropdown { var srcSplit = logoSrc.split("/"); } e.preventDefault(); // hide open MyStart Bar menus #gb-social-icons .icn { addBrandedTranslate(); bottom: -12px; } border-radius: 0px; background: #3A5795; } $(this).find('div.sw-dropdown').css('display', 'block').find('ul').attr('aria-hidden', 'false').find('a').attr('tabIndex', 0).last().focus(); const socialTab = $('.tab-right', button).text().trim().toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, '-'); cursor: pointer; 'linkUrl': '', #gb-global-tabs .global-tab.four { color: #23343f; // TOGGLE THE DROPDOWN #rs-pagelist-menu-btn { font: 700 24px 'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif; '.cs-global-icon .text {' + background: none; .region.right { } justify-content: center; }); Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). ">