2 wormified 4 yr. ago A month sounds optimistic to me :-) 2 [deleted] 4 yr. ago [removed] Here the authors show that PEGylated interferon-lambda1 accelerates the clearance of SARS-CoV-2 despite the negative impact of age on the host T cell response. study a highly uniform electronic crossbar array imitating biological neurons' behavior for big data analysis. For more information,please refer to our FAQ page. ISSN 2041-1723 (online), Closing this window will close the popup advertisement for author services and return you back to the main page, Human behaviour and social sciences studies, Characterisation of chemical and biomolecular materials. Nature Communications has a 2-year impact factor of 17.7 (2021), article downloads of 85,307,200 (2021), and 8 days from submission to the first editorial decision. Thank you for visiting nature.com. In cases where authors opt in to publication of peer reviewer comments and reviewers opt in to being named, we will not link a reviewers name to their report unless they choose to sign their comments to the author with their name. If the manuscript was transferred to us from another Nature journal, we will not publish reviewer reports or author rebuttals of versions of the manuscript under consideration at the originatingNaturejournal. In that case, the journal editors will take the previous reviews into account when making their decision, although in some cases the editors may choose to take advice from additional referees. To obtain The revised version is normally sent back to some or all of the original referees for re-review. Wishing to facilitate greater adoption of preprints across the multidisciplinary scope of our journal, from June 2020, our authors have the option to take advantage of In Review, a free preprint posting service integrated with the submission process to our journal. In such cases, revised manuscripts will not retain their earlier submission date. Nature Communicationsuses a transparent peer review system, where for manuscripts submitted from January 2016 we are publishing the reviewer comments to the authors and author rebuttal letters of revised versions of our published research articles. Authors may also suggest referees; these suggestions are often helpful, although they are not always followed. The link from our page to the preprint was available for the length of the peer review process, and removed once a final decision was made (see herefor more details). Recent studies show that AFM imaging of cells and membranes at (near) molecular resolution allows detailed visualization of membranes interacting with drugs. The establishment and composition of the host microbiota is known to impact the function of the host immune response. How confinement affects the growth of crystals is poorly understood. Here, the authors examine the impact of DST on all-cause mortality in 16 European countries for the period 1998-2012. Perhaps, the subject editor assigned requires more time for assessing the manuscript. In this observational study, the authors report that a third dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy enhances protection against maternal adverse COVID-19-related outcomes. Here, the authors report a simple fluorination strategy to prevent the accumulation of inert C=O on carbon nitride to break through this bottleneck. After acceptance, a copy editor may make changes to the manuscript so that it is readable and clear to those outside the field, and so that papers conform to our style. Between September 2017 and June 2020, Nature Communications offered authors the option to list the preprints of papers hosted on any community-recognised platform and undergoing peer review at our journal, on our dedicated Under Consideration web page. For authors who opt-in, the posting will happen when our editors decide whether to send the manuscript for external review. Data on the effectiveness of a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine in pregnant women are limited. Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (RSTS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with unclear underlying mechanisms. If the manuscript is sent to reviewers, the preprint on Research Square will be displayed as being under review at Nature Research for as long as the manuscript is under consideration. On occasion, particularly if the editors feel that additional technical expertise is needed to make a decision, they may obtain advice from an additional referee. Here, the authors show the design, synthesis and screening of artificial RNA endonuclease XNAzymes capable of cleaving genomic SARS-CoV-2 RNA and self-assembling into enzymatic nanostructures inhibiting cellular viral replication. IL-6 and RasGRP1 have been shown to have important functions during inflammation and cancer. Nature Communications: 5.0 weeks: 5.0 weeks: n/a: 2: 4 (very good) 3 (good) Rejected: 2021: Motivation: My manuscript received an editorial rejection at Nature Medicine for reason X, but I was told that it was still interesting enough to be sent to Nature Communications. In this comment the ongoing consequence are explored of colonialism as well as the actions that are needed to be taken to reduce natural hazard risk. Growing evidence indicates that YAP/TAZ transcriptional regulators promote autophagy. The lanthanum-hydrogen system has attracted attention following the observation of superconductivity in LaH10 at near-ambient temperatures and high pressures. More details are available on themanuscript transfer service. Here, the authors report on the design of a microfluidic vortex focusing microfluidic technique which can mass produce liposomes with controlled size and low variability. Referees will still have the option to remain completely anonymous, to sign their reports, and/or to choose to be acknowledged by name as part of our reviewer recognition scheme. Alternatively, authors may choose to request a fresh review, in which case they should not use the automated transfer link, and the editors will evaluate the paper without reference to the previous review process. At the submission stage authors may indicate a limited number of scientists who should not review the paper. Developing highly efficient catalysts for selective oxidation of benzene to phenol with low H2O2 consumption remains challenging. It appears that your manuscript might have passed the initial screening for basic requirements by the handling editor. Here, the authors realize a 2D SSH model in a rectangular lattice of silicon atoms on a silver substrate, observing gapped Dirac cones by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The corresponding author is notified by e-mail when the editor decides to send a paper for review. and JavaScript. Excluded scientists must be identified by name. Recent development of analytical techniques capable of characterizing physicochemical properties during electrochemical measurements enables new pathways for improving the fundamental understanding of battery systems. Plasmodium kinesin-8B is essential for male gamete formation and its absence blocks parasite transmission. Graphitic carbon nitride has long been considered a poor oxygen evolution catalyst. and JavaScript. When all remaining editorial issues are resolved, the paper is formally accepted. Neuromorphic computing could be powered by brain-mimicking emerging devices. This Collection highlights recent publications in Nature Communications and Communications Materials on the discovery of natural materials and their potential applications as biomaterials. The interferon response is a critical component response to SARS-CoV-2 infection and prior studies have established a role for the administration of PEGylated interferon-lambda1 and its impact on viral clearance. Nature Communications (Nat Commun) The preprint of the authors original submission will be posted (with a permanent DOI, under a CC-BY licence) on the multidisciplinary platform hosted by our partner Research Square at the same time as the submission is being considered by our editorial team. Yes, this is normal. For the final revision, authors should use the revision link to theonline submission systemprovided in the decision letter to upload a final version of the text with all the requested format changes and electronic files of the final figures at high resolution. What is an optimal parameter landscape and geometric layout for a quantum processor so that its qubits are sufficiently protected for idling and simultaneously responsive enough for fast entangling gates? A request for final submission is sent when the paper is nearly ready to publish, possibly requiring some changes to the text, but no revisions to the data or conclusions. After review, Nature Communications rejected it because of reason X. Here the authors analyze detrital zircons found in the Amazon deep-sea fan that record mountain-building events and reveal cycles of orogenesis with periods of ~6090Myr since the Phanerozoic. Usually when a paper is received for publication, the Editor in. Here authors describe the high-pressure syntheses of seven La-H phases; they report crystal structures and remarkable regularities in rare-earth element hydrides. We also highlight how lessons learned from Nature can help develop advanced biomimetic materials, and explore their diverse applications. We find that small interventions, such as burning one hour earlier in the day, may provide broad public health benefits. Manuscripts that meet these editorial criteria are sent out to external referees for further assessment. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles In cases where editors did not invite a resubmission, authors are strongly advised to submit their paper for publication elsewhere, although it is possible for authors to ask the editors to reconsider a negative decision. In the event of publication, the received date is the date of submission toNature Communications. Copies of any papers containing related work that are under consideration or in-press at other journals should be included with the submission as additional supplementary information. We quantify the air quality and health impacts of Indian crop residue burning and trace these impacts back to individual burning events by hour and district. In cases where the referees have requested well-defined changes to the manuscript that do not appear to require extensive further experiments, editors may request a revised manuscript that addresses the referees' concerns. Yes, the reviewers do not make the decision because they have no idea about what other submissions came in for review that month. Experiments in which NaClO3 and CaCO3 crystals are grown close to a glass substrate now show that new molecular layers can form via the transport of mass through the liquid film at the crystal-substrate interface. In cases where the work was felt to be of high quality, papers can sometimes be accepted without further review, but if there were serious criticisms, the editors will consider them in making the decision. These are considered appeals, which are processed with lower priority than new submissions. Contributors are sent proofs and are welcome to discuss proposed changes with the editors, butNature Communicationsreserves the right to make the final decision about matters of style and the size of figures. Depending on the range of statuses the journal uses, this status might even mean that some reviews have been received. A maximum of two resubmissions will be considered for each manuscript, following which a final decision on publication will be made. Choi et al. These letters are usually accompanied by detailed comments on the paper's format indicating editorial concerns that must be addressed in the revision. In recognition of the time and expertise our reviewers provide to Nature Communications editorial process, as of November, 2018, we formally acknowledge their contribution to the external peer review of articles published in the journal. The accepted date is when the editor sends the acceptance letter. Here, we comment on how, taking advantage of next generation sequencing, functional genomics, often combined with systems biology approaches, has revealed novel cancer vulnerabilities beyond the original paradigm of one gene-one phenotype. Referee reports, whether signed or not, are subsequently shared with the other reviewers. We support our reviewers signing their reports to authors if reviewers feel comfortable doing so. Here, the authors find that intensive grassland management impairs recent photosynthate flux to roots and soil biota after drought, whereas extensive grassland management buffers the legacy of drought. If the editors feel the work is of potential interest to the journal, however, they may express interest in seeing a future resubmission. Subject: Manuscript NCOMMS-17-12853 with reviewers To: Dear Dr Domnguez-Rodrigo, Thank you for submitting your manuscript entitled "Revising the timing of arrival of humans in America through deep classication of cut marks on bones" to Nature Communications. Liposomes are widely used in pharmaceuticals yet trade-offs between uniform size and mass production, limit production and application. Cancer functional genomics is the study of how genetic, epigenetic, and transcriptional alterations affect cancer phenotypes, such as growth and therapeutic response. To obtain In this study, the authors provide a global overview of SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing, and estimate the proportion of cases sequenced and time to genome upload. Whether or not reviewers have accepted the invitation is usually confidential information available only to journal staff. Quantum engineers pondering the dilemma might want to take a look on tools developed for many-body localization. Our editors highlight articles they see as particularly interesting or important in these new pages spanning all research areas. 2 Answers Sorted by: 1 It means reviewers have been invited, but you can't read anything more than that. The initiative aimed at increasing the transparency of the peer review process and supporting the early sharing of research results. All manuscripts are handled electronically throughout the consideration process. Thank you for visiting nature.com. The authors provide a metrology-led perspective on best practice for the electrochemical characterisation of materials for electrochemical energy technologies. If a paper was previously reviewed at another Nature journal, the authors can use an automated manuscript transfer service to transfer the referees' reports toNature Communicationsvia a link sent by the editor who handled the manuscript. Here, the authors characterize the role of YAP against Staphyloccocus aureus infection of synovial organoids and describe the role staphylococcal toxins have in antagonizing YAP-mediated functions. The colonial practices of geoscience have created long term vulnerabilities to natural hazards. Each new submission is assigned to a primary editor, who reads the paper, consults with the other editors, and then evaluates the novelty and potential impact of the work, the appropriateness for the journal's editorial scope, the conceptual or methodological advances described in the paper, and its potential interest toNature Communications' readership. If an appeal merits further consideration, the editors may send the authors' response or the revised paper to one or more referees, or they may ask one referee to comment on the concerns raised by another referee. Manuscripts should be submitted via theonline submission system. Generally, your chance that they accept the paper once it's gone into peer review is pretty good. In either case, the revised manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter explaining how the manuscript has been changed, and a separate point-by-point response to referees' comments. The received date is the date on which the editors received the original (or if previously rejected, the resubmitted) manuscript. Here the authors report a highly active and selective non-noble metal catalyst for selective oxidation of benzene to phenol with low H2O2 addition via regulating the electron configuration of single-atom Cu catalyst. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in You should hear back within a week or two. All peer-reviewed content will carry an anonymous statement of peer reviewer acknowledgement, and for those reviewers who give their consent, we will publish their names alongside the published article. Answer: In the case of a desk rejection, authors are notified within the first few days. We will continue to publish peer reviewer reports where authors opt in to our separate transparent peer review scheme. However, this decision must be made at the time of initial submission and cannot be changed later. For more information,please refer to our FAQ page. If it goes for review, then it will be about a month before you get the comments. As we believe that transparency strengthens the quality of peer review, we are now moving to publish the exchanges between authors and reviewers for all research articles submitted from November 2022 onward and accepted for publication. For submissions received on or after the 1st November 2022, reviewer comments to the authors and author rebuttal letters will be published alongside all our original research articles accepted for publication. They identify disparities and highlight the need to strengthen surveillance in lower and middle income countries. Using cryo-EM and TIRF, the authors report how kinesin-8B motor domains are tuned to support microtubule motility and depolymerase activity. Such electrochemical experiments are highly sensitive, and their results are, in practice, often of uncertain quality and challenging to reproduce quantitatively. The corresponding author should indicate whether the work described in the manuscript has been discussed with a specificNature Communicationseditor before submission. Call for papers: Biomaterials The overall uptake has grown from 3% in 2017, to 7% in 2019, and has varied significantly by discipline, with 22% of participating papers in the physical sciences, and 78% in the life and biological sciences. Here the authors propose the protein and mRNA of RasGRP1 have opposing functions by promoting IL-6 mediated acute inflammation and inhibiting inflammation-associated cancer through mRNA and protein mechanisms respectively. Internet Explorer). Internet Explorer). Here the authors show that mode of delivery may impact the intestinal microbiota composition from birth and modulate the response to routine childhood vaccines. RNA viruses have been responsible for large-scale epidemics and pandemics throughout the last few centuries. Thepeer review fileis published online as a supplementary peer review file. The novelty of a submitted paper is considered to be compromised if it has significant conceptual overlap with a published paper or one accepted for publication byNature Communications. Advances in atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques and methodologies for microbiology contribute to our understanding of the microbial cell surface. The final submission must comply with our format requirements, which are summarized in theNature Communicationsmanuscript checklist. An advanced characterization of selenium chemical forms shows that organic matter increases its accumulation in soils but could limit its supply to plants. Predicting the El Nio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) since the 2000s has become increasingly challenging. Nature Communications has a 2-year impact factor of 17.7 (2021), article downloads of 85,307,200 (2021), and 8 days from submission to the first editorial decision. To showcase the breadth and quality of this work, we are now launching a COVID-19 Collection, and here we reflect on our editorial processes during this period. This scheme only applies to original research articles, and not to Review articles or to other published content. Starting in 2016, we haveoffered authors the option to publish the comments received from the reviewers and their responses alongside the paper. Top headline image: See-On Park, Hakcheon Jeong, Nature Communications (Nat Commun) We continue to encourage preprint deposition on any community-recognised preprint server;it is solely the authors choice to decide if and where they are going to post their results before the conclusion of the peer review process. Also, if it had to be negative outcome, it wouldn't take so long for a publisher like Nature to come up with the decision, so you can relax and hope for a positive outcome. Between September 2017 and June 2020, Nature Communications offered authors the option to list the preprints of papers hosted on any community-recognised platform and undergoing peer review at. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles By policy, referees are not identified to the authors, except when they sign their reports to the authors. This editorial highlights recent research efforts showcasing operando approaches published in Nature Communications. Papers that are published independently while your manuscript is under review or under revision at Nature Communications are also not considered to compromise novelty, even in cases where there is conceptual overlap. Here, the authors perform large-scale high-resolution Parkinsons disease metagenomics analyses, revealing widespread dysbiosis characterized by overabundance of pathogens, immunogens, toxicants, and curli, reduction in neuroprotective and antiinflammatory molecules, and dysregulated neuroactive signaling. The authors show that students assigned to a female peer mentor show benefits in psychological experiences in engineering, aspirations to pursue postgraduate engineering degrees, and emotional well-being, which persists up to one year after graduation. Decisions can be reversed on appeal only if the authors provide convincing evidence that the original decision was based on a factual error or was taken as a result of biased reviewers comments. The resubmitted manuscript may be sent back to the original referees or to new referees, at the editors' discretion. But "pretty good" for Nature standards is still like 30% or so, compared to something like 6% of all submissions. An invited revision should be submitted via the revision link to theonline submission systemprovided in the decision letter, not as a new manuscript. I am pleased to inform you that we are sending your manuscript out for formal peer For manuscripts submitted before 1st November 2022, authors are provided the opportunity to opt out of this scheme at the completion of the peer review process, before the paper is accepted. If the reviewers wish to be named their names will appear in alphabetical order at the end of the paper in a statement as below: Any reviewers that wish to remain anonymous will be acknowledged using a slightly modified statement: If no reviewers agree to be named, we will still acknowledge their valuable service using the statement below: When making a decision after review, editors consider not only how good the paper is now, but also how good it might become after revision. The authors report findings from their study of female student participants interested in engineering at college entry who were randomly assigned to a female peer mentor, male mentor, or no mentor for their first year of college. The Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model is a prototypical model of topological states, initially proposed to describe spinless electrons on a one-dimensional (1D) dimerized lattice. Land use intensification could make soil food webs less able to recover from drought. South American cordilleran orogenic systems have repeated complex magmatic and deformation histories. Here, the authors unravel the contribution of a stress-responsive pathway to RSTS where impaired HSF2 acetylation, due to RSTS-associated CBP/EP300 mutations, alters the expression of neurodevelopmental players, in keeping with hallmarks of cell-cell adhesion defects. Over the last two and a half years, Nature Communications has received thousands of submissions related to the COVID-19 pandemic and accepted hundreds for publication. Over the course of the initiative, 59% of authors who opted in ended up depositing a preprint of their work in order to share a link on our Under Consideration page. 1 Recommendation 18th Jun, 2018 Antonio Pirisi Agris Sardegna Hi, it depends from the Journal but normally you can wait more days. Selenium is essential for human health and mainly delivered via terrestrial foodstuffs. Nature Research encourage preprint deposition of the originally submitted version of manuscripts. More information about In Review for Nature Research journals can be found here. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. Authors are usually informed within a week if the paper is not being considered. Although we hope that the peer review files will provide a detailed and useful view into our peer review process, it is important to note that these files will not contain all the information considered in the editorial decision making process, such as the discussions between editors, editorial decision letters, or any confidential comments made by reviewers or authors to the editors. In this joint Collection, Nature Communications and Communications Medicine invite submissions of primary research that aims to understand and improve child and adolescent development and health. ISSN 2041-1723 (online), On this page we provide a snapshot of some of the most exciting works recently published in, Brooklyn College of City University of New York (CUNY Brooklyn College), Experimental demonstration of highly reliable dynamic memristor for artificial neuron and neuromorphic computing, Improving the fundamental understanding of batteries via, Amplifying under-represented perspectives, Call for papers: Child and adolescent health, Observation of gapped Dirac cones in a two-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger lattice, Breaking through water-splitting bottlenecks over carbon nitride with fluorination, Microfluidic vortex focusing for high throughput synthesis of size-tunable liposomes, High-pressure synthesis of seven lanthanum hydrides with a significant variability of hydrogen content, Regulating electron configuration of single Cu sites via unsaturated N,O-coordination for selective oxidation of benzene, Intensive grassland management disrupts below-ground multi-trophic resource transfer in response to drought, Southern Indian Ocean Dipole as a trigger for Central Pacific El Nio since the 2000s, Cycles of Andean mountain building archived in the Amazon Fan, Understanding soil selenium accumulation and bioavailability through size resolved and elemental characterization of soil extracts, XNAzymes targeting the SARS-CoV-2 genome inhibit viral infection, YAP promotes cell-autonomous immune responses to tackle intracellular, CBP-HSF2 structural and functional interplay in Rubinstein-Taybi neurodevelopmental disorder, Mechanochemical tuning of a kinesin motor essential for malaria parasite transmission, RasGRP1 promotes the acute inflammatory response and restricts inflammation-associated cancer cell growth, Global disparities in SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance, Interferon- treatment accelerates SARS-CoV-2 clearance despite age-related delays in the induction of T cell immunity, Effectiveness of a third BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy: a national observational study in Israel, Mode of delivery modulates the intestinal microbiota and impacts the response to vaccination, Metagenomics of Parkinsons disease implicates the gut microbiome in multiple disease mechanisms, The history of sexual selection research provides insights as to why females are still understudied, Air quality impacts of crop residue burning in India and mitigation alternatives, Daylight saving time affects European mortality patterns, Female peer mentors early in college have lasting positive impacts on female engineering students that persist beyond graduation, The harmful legacy of colonialism in natural hazard risk, Error, reproducibility and uncertainty in experiments for electrochemical energy technologies, Seeing the unseen: High-resolution AFM imaging captures antibiotic action in bacterial membranes, Functional genomics of complex cancer genomes, Many-qubit protection-operation dilemma from the perspective of many-body localization, Fibrosis Pathogenesis and Resolution: From Mechanisms to Therapies, Vector Biology: Emerging Concepts and Novel Technologies, 4th Growth Factors in Regeneration and Regenerative Medicine Conference, Autophagy and Neurodegeneration: Mechanisms to Therapies, Assistant Professor or untenured Associate Professor, Stanford Data Science and The School of Engineering, Assistant Professor - Biology (Two Positions), Postdoctoral Fellow in Pandemic Virus Research. How daylight saving time shift (DST) affects mortality dynamics on a large population scale remains unknown. Most referees honour their prior. Our Community Voices series aims to highlight the challenges faced by under-represented groups in scientific research and to provide a platform to share possible solutions, to work towards a more diverse and equitable research landscape. The decision letter will specify a deadline (typically two months), and revisions that are returned within this period will retain their original submission date. This Perspective highlights that sexual selection theory and research are still male-centered and suggest strategies for alleviating biases in this field and beyond. While it is widely acknowledged that Darwins descriptions of females were gender-biased, gender bias in modern sexual selection research is less recognized. Considering the current pandemic situation, journals are finding it difficult to meet their desired timelines. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in jzz319 4 yr. ago The editor is reading your manuscript and figuring out whether or not she wants to send it for peer review. It mainly depends on how fast the reviewers are: theoretically it can take only a few days (a couple days for the editor to take a look and assign it to reviewers, and a couple days for the reviewers to write their reviews and the editor to look at them again and make the decision). Here the authors show that the Southern Indian Ocean Dipole has become a key precursor of Central Pacific El Nio since the 2000s with a 14-month lead. Preprint archives do not compromise novelty. In cases where the referees' concerns are more wide-ranging, editors will normally reject the manuscript. If the authors ask the editors to consider the previous reviews, they should include a note explaining the relationship between the submitted manuscript and the previous submission and (assuming it has been revised in light of the referees' criticisms) give a point-by-point response to the referees. High pressures requirements, which are summarized in theNature Communicationsmanuscript checklist decide whether to send a for Predicting the El Nio-Southern Oscillation ( ENSO ) since the 2000s has become increasingly.., the authors report how kinesin-8B motor domains are tuned to support microtubule motility and activity Submission date or all of the microbial cell surface highlight how lessons learned from Nature can help develop advanced materials How confinement affects the growth of crystals is poorly understood cell surface support And modulate the response to routine childhood vaccines submissions came in for review, Nature Communications intensification! 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manuscript under consideration nature communications how long