(1991). Following the importance attached to technology in most parts of the world in almost all sectors, developing countries also have had to make the necessary investments and changes to cope with the 21st Century developments. Further, teachers indicated that their schools lacked the customization required for the introduction of digital devices. Added key stage 4 programmes of study for English and mathematics. Barriers hindering implementation, innovation, and adoption of ICT in primary schools in Kenya. Additionally, our analysis on the effect of gender on the perceived usefulness of technology among teachers did not show any statistical difference. It was agreed the use of digital tools in mathematics is important to both the learning and doing of mathematics and needs to remain in specific content descriptions and content elaborations. The key stages. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. This inclusion and massive investment in educational technology is believed to have had a positive effect in some countries like South Korea where extraordinary economic growth has been experienced since the 1970s (Sanchez et al., 2011). European Journal of Literature and Linguistics Studies, 2(3), 135146. Further, a study by Langat (2015) found out that, infrastructure and ICT equipment shortages were among the challenges facing the implementation of ICT in primary schools in Kenya. The perception of technology as time-consuming, however, can be attributed to inadequate training on the pedagogical use of ICT as found in previous studies (Sharples & Moldeus, 2014). 354. A study by Muinde and Mbataru (2019) in Machakos County, found that 85% of teachers had received ICT training from the ministry of education. However, Venkatesh et al. The first research question (RQ1) was to investigate the ICT infrastructure availability in public primary schools for the effective implementation of digital learning. Relatedly, 44.7% of the respondents did not use computers to prepare their instructional materials in preparation for teaching, and 58.4% of the teachers could not plan and integrate technology into their lessons. The theory explains that a learner assimilates new knowledge that adds to an existing body of knowledge. However, in some cases where teachers received training, it was basic computer literacy on computer programs such as Microsoft Office and Excel that did not equip them for technology integration in classrooms (Mwangi & Khatete, 2017). The sampling schemes can be improved in subsequent research. In such circumstances, teachers are more likely to resist the use of ICTs in their teaching if they feel that they will spend more time and effort to make them work (Omwenga et al., 2004). We should be cautious in interpreting the findings relating to this class of respondents. Correspondence to It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Many teachers become defensive when a principal offers negative feedback, particularly if the feedback comes as the result of hearsay or a random one-time visit to the teachers classroom. This corroborates other studies which concluded that computer literacy training was not enough to guarantee the integration of technology and that teachers needed a deeper understanding of the pedagogical use of ICT (Omito et al., 2019; Ngeno et al., 2020; Sharples & Moldeus, 2014). A survey by the Teachers Service Commission that purposefully targeted some schools and 1200 respondents also revealed that teachers in public institutions had serious challenges in using ICT in their teaching. The feedback we received on this proposal during the consultation was very positive. All local-authority-maintained schools in England must teach these programmes of study. This was followed by curriculum reforms aimed at providing every learner in the country with core competencies and world-class digital literacy skills needed to be competitive in the 21st Century (Maluei, 2019). The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education has been widely advocated as much needed 21st-century skills by governments and policymakers. A generic model for guiding the integration of ICT into teaching and learning. The findings also suggest that teachers were worried about the learners access to the internet as perceived by 60.1% of the teachers who considered it unsafe. The PYP curriculum framework begins with the premise that students are agents of their own learning and partners in the learning process. What should I do if one of my teachers is being assessed or investigated by VIT? Important: When developing a rubric for program assessment, enlist the help of colleagues. Research has consistently shownthat only half of pupils meet the required standards. 1 Regular physical activity in childhood and adolescence is important for promoting lifelong health and well-being and preventing various health conditions. As part of the review process ACARA engaged the Institute for Social Science Research at The University of Queensland to independently analyse the qualitative and quantitative data gathered via the three feedback channels; online surveys, email submissions and jurisdiction responses. The power supply in schools also appears reliable, which could be attributed to the governments commitment and investment towards digital learning in public primary schools in the country (Muinde & Mbataru, 2019; Piper et al., 2015). Aktaruzzaman, M., Shamim, M., & Clement, C. (2011). Piper, B., Jepkemei, E., Kwayumba, D., & Kibukho, K. (2015). https://doi.org/10.2307/2332510. The findings were consistent with other studies that pointed at the lack of devices for teachers as a threat to technology integration in Kenyan schools (Langat, 2015; Tonui et al., 2016; Mingaine, 2013a, 2013b). McGraw-Hill. Some items were modified or deleted to accommodate the feedback, which led to the revised questionnaire of 17 items. In implementing the new curriculum, what are the perceptions of teachers on the usefulness of ICT, respectively? The Cronbachs alpha of all the 17 items was 0.754, but some of the items were removed to increase the internal consistency of the subscales to answer inferential research questions. Abobo, F. (2018). Most of the schools (87.7%) lacked internet connectivity (F1). Establishment of the National Curriculum by order. (2018, July 7). French immersion language arts and literature, Updated draft K-6 curriculum ready for piloting. Murithi, J., Yoo, J.E. (2005) in a study that draws from 6years of experience in analyzing the digital classroom environment suggest that some basic facilities are fundamental for ICT integration. Amid these debates, policymakers have continued to lay foundations for the use of ICT to profit from the perceived benefits. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedudev.2010.03.003, Sang, G., Valcke, M., Braak, J., & Tondeur, J. The presentation is available as Google Slides template that you can copy and customize. Consultation feedback reports that provide a summary of the feedback and key themes arising will be published on the ACARA website. The core subjects and other foundation subjects. Find out about the Key Stage 1 and 2 national curriculum requirements. Computer laptop project strategy for basic education schools in Kenya. Research methods, quantitative and qualitative approaches. California Privacy Statement, The review was also supported by our program of researchwhich benchmarked the Australian Curriculum against the curricula of Singapore, Finland, British Columbia and New Zealand, and we sought feedback from state and territory jurisdictions through our annual monitoring process. NEW: Download editable templates from bookcreator.com/REMIX. Jin Eun Yoo. Browse the detailed support articles in our Help Center and reach out to us if you have any questions. TSC worried by teachers low mastery of subjects, lateness. First and second cycle higher education studies are measured in credits. Book Creator and the Book Creator logo are trademarks of Tools for Schools, Inc. 2011 - 2022 Tools for Schools, Inc. The aim of the review is to improve the Australian Curriculum from Foundation to Year 10 by refining, realigning and reducing the existing content of the curriculum. (2020) in a study on the potential and prerequisites of effective tablet integration in rural Kenya. Redempta, K. (2012). (2003) have modified the TAM to include other models in a study that created the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). 356. Nevertheless, several challenges in integrating ICT into the curriculum have been reported in previous research, especially in studies on Sub-Saharan African countries. They used a cross-sectional survey design to collect data from 362 teachers and 85 headteachers. Education is changing. Comparably, Wambiri and Ndani (2016) opine that their analysis of documents on primary teacher training in Kenya proved that there was a gap in the pedagogical use of ICT. Technology and classroom practices. Terms and Conditions, Version 9.0 that went to the February ministers meeting had already raised standards in that students are expected to demonstrate proficiency in mathematics throughout their years of schooling. International Journal of Engineering Science Invention, 6(10), 0107. By using this website, you agree to our Get your Book Creator certification with this self-paced training. Compulsory education applies to all 618-year-olds. Metacognition can take many forms, such as reflecting on one's ways of thinking and knowing when and how to use particular strategies for problem-solving. The Occupational Outlook Handbook is the government's premier source of career guidance featuring hundreds of occupationssuch as carpenters, teachers, and veterinarians. https://doi.org/10.18275/fire201502011025. They argue that the governments investment through the provision of devices without addressing teachers attitudes and beliefs may not yield the desired results. (2020) suggest that the teachers in such settings could change their approach by encouraging peer collaborative learning as learners share the available devices. (2017) also found that student-teachers were able to practice the use of technology in the teaching of Kiswahili in classrooms after learning from their tutors. It will enable teachers to quickly and intuitively find relevant information and use and explore connections between the three dimensions of the Australian Curriculum. Codes of Conduct and Ethics; Support my teachers' registration. Join our Teacher Success Manager for one of our weekly webinars - informal, hands-on and dedicated to get you up and running with Book Creator. (2020, May 7). Sage Journals, 61, 179221. The specially built website,v9.australiancurriculum.edu.auhas been designed with teachers for teachers and is one of the few in the world that has digitised the curriculum. Introducing specific content earlier and being clear about expectations has raised the standards for students, for example, Year 1 students are now expected to add and subtract numbers to 20, the expectation for mastery of the 10 + 10 addition and related subtraction facts has been moved from Year 3 to Year 2, and in Year 3 it is explicit about computation of large numbers without a calculator. Students will gain specific knowledge and foundational skills that will prepare them for the future. The principal focus of mathematics teaching in key stage 1 is to ensure that pupils develop confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value. Teachers perceived that ICT facilities were inadequate in schools, which presented a challenge in the integration of technology during the implementation of the new curriculum. A replication of this study using a mixed-methods approach would give an in-depth understanding of the issues affecting the implementation of ICT integration in Kenya and other developing countries. PubMedGoogle Scholar. The term comes from the root word meta, meaning "beyond", or "on top of". https://doi.org/10.21083/ajote.v5i1.3515, Wang, Q. The exception is the science curriculum which came into force for year 10 pupils in September 2016, and applies to year 11 pupils from September 2017. Focusing on the case of Kenyan public primary schools, this study investigated the availability of ICT facilities; teacher capacity to integrate technology into their lessons; and teacher perceptions towards technology in schools. (2019). Language games and language teaching in Kenya: the case of Kiswahili in lower primary school. The effect of age and gender on teacher capacity was also investigated in inferential statistics, specifically with Welch tests and Games-Howell post hoc comparisons. The theory also suggests that the moderating effect of age could be based on the tendency for younger people to be motivated by extrinsic factors such as rewards. Curriculum and Language Decisions to Support Each Student. RQ2. Email address. new Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 website. Mingaine, L. (2013b). International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 4(2), 111. Approximately 70% of the teachers also answered that their schools did not have projectors as a part of the shared devices essential for the integration of technology in schools (F2). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2009.07.010, Sharples, T., & Moldeus, K. (2014). These set out: Separate individual programmes of study are available for: See the National Archives website for information about the pre-2014 primary and secondary curriculums. https://nation.africa/kenya/kenya/news/big-hurdles-thwart-jubilee-s-laptops-plan-69972, Waweru, J. W. (2018). The legacy of the technology acceptance model and proposal for a paradigm shift. Specifically, convenience and snowball sampling were executed, which was inevitable in the prevailing circumstances occasioned by the global COVID-19 pandemic. It includes pre-primary, basic and upper secondary education. (2019) the situation was so since the trained teachers were supposed to train their colleagues. Looking to roll out Book Creator in your school or district? This argument is corroborated by Mingaine (2013b) who notes that facilities such as power, computer devices, software, and connectivity are essential for effective ICT integration. Trends and issues to integrate ICT in teaching learning for the future world of education. Universities of applied sciences engage in applied research and development. Updated guidance for Hong Kong. Adult Roles And Responsibilities. Moscow: UNESCO Institute for Information Technology in Education. ACARA worked with key education stakeholders and groups to define the approach and scope of the review. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 45(4), 411419. Implementation of the National Curriculum in schools. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. Among the 430 sampled teachers, 351 teachers completed the questionnaire with a response rate of 81.6%. For the 4 age groups, there were a total of 6 (=4 combination 2) comparisons per dependent variable. E-learning in the Republic of Korea. For instance, Langat (2015) found that most of the teachers in the study on barriers hindering the implementation of ICT in primary schools in Kenya lacked computer literacy skills. The scope of the review has been informed by ACARAs research program, which included: benchmarking the Australian Curriculum against the curricula of the education systems of Singapore, Finland, British Columbia and New Zealand, annual monitoring of the effectiveness of the Australian Curriculum with feedback from states and territories, participation in international projects such as the OECD 2030 Future of Education and Skills project. With this insight, we are updating all K to 6 subjects for piloting and implementation in phases, beginning in the 2022-23 school year. This theoretical understanding was crucial for this study because, in low-resource settings where ICT facilities may not be enough for every learner, the teachers can encourage collaborative learning through device sharing. It includes pre-primary, basic and upper secondary education. Short films of teachers and subject experts talking about the national curriculum and how to use it are also available. This manuscript is based on the first authors masters thesis. Although access to a computer or laptop by teachers is key in the integration of technology in education (Liang et al., 2005), teachers in most primary schools did not have access to these devices. http://repository.seku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/3541. For inferential statistics, two-way ANOVAs were initially conducted with gender and age as independent variables for each of the dependent variables. ICT in primary education: Analytical survey. http://erepository.uonbi.ac.ke/handle/11295/104564, Welch, B. L. (1947). In particular, the study is premised on the constructivist learning theory and the Technology Acceptance Model. One year of full-time study is equivalent to 1600 hours of student work on average and is defined as 60 credits. This is also supported by the finding that teachers had the high belief that ICT use would not only benefit them in the organization of instruction but also their learners. statement and and I received regular feedback about how much better people felt informed about such matters." Journal of Education and Practice, 5(6), 191198. Rubrics promote shared expectations and consistent grading practices which benefit faculty members and students in the program. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. Here's a PD template presentation for delivering training on Book Creator to colleagues. This means that there is a need to explore the opportunities and the challenges that exist in these countries about technology and its use in education. Daily Nation. Some of the teachers interviewed said that they could not cater to the learners experiencing academic challenges due to the limited time in a lesson. P.O. These themes are applied in all grades across all subject areas. Privacy Generating Formative Feedback (Quick Reference Guide) $12.95. . Updated 'Teachers' standards' and 'How you should use the teachers' standards' to refer to the Teaching Regulation Agency (formerly National College for Teaching and Leadership). https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/education/article/2001287028/tsc-worried-by-teachers-low-mastery-of-subjects-lateness. Education with ICT in South Korea and Chile. User acceptance of the information technology: towards a unified view. This study by Ngeno et al. Are there statistically significant differences in terms of perception on the usefulness across different age and gender groups? After 9 years basic education there is general upper secondary or vocationalupper secondary education and training. Finally, it would be important to do a comparative study between the East African countries since they are in the process of implementing the harmonized curriculum structures and framework for primary education. Since 2011, Tools for Schools has committed to working alongside educators to help students thrive. African Journal of Science and Technology, 5(1), 3446. An investigation into implementation of ICT in primary schools in Kenya in the light of free laptops at primary one: A case study of teachers implementing ICT into their teaching practice. A model for introducing and implementing e-learning for delivery of educational content within the African context. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research, 7(5). Use it to create social media posts, presentations, posters, videos, logos and more. Springer Nature. The proponents of this theory argue that learners grasp concepts better when they work in mixed-ability groups where they share experiences and come up with a common understanding. UNESCO, (2012). Lund University]. Schools are in a unique position to help students attain the nationally recommended 60 minutes or more of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily. The online survey combined with convenience sampling was an unavoidable choice at the time of data collection; the Global COVID-19 pandemic led to the closure of schools in Kenya, which may have caused sampling bias and limit the generalizability of the findings. The draft K to 6 curriculum was released on March 29, 2021 for a transparent, year-long public review process. In addition, Swim England has refreshed its School Swimming Charter resources to support teachers and pool operators. Further, our use of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as the theoretical base of the study could have left out other constructs that would give further understanding of acceptance of ICT. Education is changing. They argue that based on socialization, men will prefer to use a certain technology if they perceive that it would help them to accomplish a task. Therefore, although similar studies have been carried out in the country focusing on the integration of ICT in education, they mostly targeted secondary schools and were done under the 8-4-4 curriculum. 84.2% of the teachers who responded to the survey agreed that they had problems with the use of technology in classrooms. (2004) teachers age and years of work may not be conclusive in the measurement of teachers technology use. These 3 subjects include: When the 2022-23 school year begins, all K to 3 students will be learning the new English language arts and literatureandmathematicscurriculums, while all K to 6 students will learn the new physical education and wellness curriculum. International Journal of Education Development, 31, 126146. Male teachers and female teachers did now show a difference in terms of teacher capacity and perceived usefulness. Technology in education also brings a change to the teaching methods used by teachers from the traditional teacher-centered approaches to heuristic styles (Mingaine, 2013a). In such a scenario, the teacher must create a classroom environment that is based on cooperation, democratic principles, and shared creation of content that makes the learners have a sense of ownership of knowledge (Sang et al., 2009). If approved by education ministers, the revised Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum will be released on a redesigned Australian Curriculum website by the start of 2022. Assessment of the benefits of ICT integration in teaching Kiswahili in public primary teachers colleges in Kenya, the case of Rift Valley region. East African Journal of Education Studies, 2(1), 17. Mingaine, L. (2013a). The vision of the basic education curriculum reforms is to equip learners with world-class standards and skills needed to thrive in the 21st Century such as digital literacy (KICD, 2017). It includes pre-primary, basic and upper secondary education. (2011) further assert that, when used in the right manner, ICTs in education can bring several benefits such as increased access to education making it more relevant, as well as improving the quality since they make teaching and learning an active process. Policy framework for reforming education and training for sustainable development in Kenya. They consisted of 4 age groups: 20s (15.1%), 30s (55.3%), 40s (23.6%), and 50s (6.0%). International Journal of Humanities and Social Science., 3, 6172. All eight learning areas from Foundation to Year 10 will be reviewed by the end of 2021, although the review of all 16 Languages subjects will take longer, with Chinese, French, Italian and Japanese completed first, by the end of 2021, and the other languages completed by 2023. https://www.unicef.org/kenya/stories/Learning-from-home-in-Kibera-during-COVID-19. The Finnish higher education system comprises universitiesand universities of applied sciences. Swimming is the only sport to be included within the national curriculum physical education programme of study. Teachers use of ICT in implementing the competency-based curriculum in Kenyan public primary schools. Heinrich, C. J., Aduana, J. D., & Martin, C. (2020). Stay informed about curriculum renewal and feedback opportunities. Psychometric theory (2nd ed.). In 2015, education ministers agreed that ACARA should undertake a six-year cycle of review of the Australian Curriculum to ensure it continues to meet the needs of students and it is best practice. While we had 61% male and 39% female teachers, the proportion in the population was 3:7. Fax +358 29 533 1035, Finnish National Agency for Education 2022. The theory has been used widely by researchers in the field of technology in education with various modifications as well as criticism (Bagozzi, 2007). A constructivist perspective on teaching and learning: a conceptual framework. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(2), 498514. Browse here. The mixed-method case study focused on multi-sites covering different parts of Kenya such as Nairobi, Nakuru, Mandera, and Turkana to compare the integration in both urban and rural areas. This enables teachers to plan for the teaching of targeted skills specific to an individuals learning needs to provide access to and engagement with the learning areas. The second approach to the constructivist theory is Vygotskys social constructivism that emphasizes collaboration as opposed to individual learning (Waweru, 2018). Consequently, governments have invested in the integration of ICT in education at all levels to equip the learners with the skills needed for modern life and beyond (Wambiri & Ndani, 2016). Despite the challenges faced by teachers in terms of the availability of facilities and inadequate training, our study demonstrated that teachers had a high perception of technology use (Table 3). The study that targeted 40 primary schools and 450 teachers noted that 94% of the schools did not have ICT equipment, all schools had a shortage of classrooms and only two private schools had functional computer laboratories. 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curriculum feedback by teachers